Summer Spritz šŸ„‚

I was going to start by talking about being drunk on summerā€”summer being a lil spritz of sorts and all the lovely ways why (it was actually really beautiful and sweet) ā€¦but then I decided its too hot for that kind of ease. Iā€™m sweaty, Iā€™m cranky, and honestly, Iā€™m ready for Fall. Yes, I said it.

I guess this bluntness is a part of Summertime too though. The sun is like, SEE ME. FEEL ME. And us humans, in the heat of the season, are given permission to do the same.


My mission this season has been to keep myself at a temperature that wonā€™t make me absolutely intolerable (Itā€™s possible I wrote the previous paragraphs while my body was just a little too hotā€”oops). Iā€™m embracing lazy girl as much as I can, trying to reframe this idea that doing nothing and being ā€œlazyā€ is bad. Iā€™ve gone to the pool at least once a week since I last wrote, and I got myself A HAMMOCK that has become my nap spot while Pinta (my dog) hunts those used-to-be-cute-until-there-were-81083409234-of-them lantern flies.

Thereā€™s just something so freeing about not making any plans and lazying around whenever I can. Thereā€™s also a privilege in doing nothing that Iā€™m not oblivious to, but I wonā€™t not do it just because of that. Sun, pool, hammock, repeat, are what feel good to me as my rest practice right now. Allowing myself to enjoy all the things that bring me joy and rest are a form of resistance. ā€œRest is our birthright,ā€ as the Nap Ministry says, and Iā€™d like to think my parents immigrated to the United States and worked tirelessly so that I could allow myself to be tired and melt into a puddle if I need to, because we all need to.

I write these rants on rest as encouragement for myself, and maybe as an invitation for you to allow yourself your birthright too. Or allow yourself more of it. Lots comes up when you restā€”itā€™s not all sunshine and easeā€”and once you start, itā€™s almost impossible to go back. But I do believe itā€™s a necessary step to liberation. Itā€™s important. And honestly, Rest is Everything.

trishia frulla

rishia's work is a multi-disciplinary in-process diary of their relationship to trauma. Often working on multiple bodies of work at once, they echo the multiplicities of human behavior. At times, itā€™s through tactile and textural play through healing/body work and crochet sculpture. At others, it is fluid and subconscious through painting and mandala. In their death work, she channels memorials for past selves and spirits through ritual and art. Ultimately, the medium chosen is that which will most heighten the awareness of subject matters we tend to overlook.

Trishia has shown her work in New York City, Southern California and Canada, and is currently holding space for community to laugh and grieve, as she crochets into accessible and sustainable practices for the future.

on ā€˜The TrauMonsterā€™