Anger as Medicine

A two month virtual journey on getting curious with our rage.
A place to screaming, cry, wail, throw a tantrum (respectfully), be held.

Sliding Scale Registrations are Open

Anger as Medicine - Kasama/Comrade
One time
For 2 months

Anger as Medicine - Kaibigan/Friend
One time
For 2 months

Anger as Medicine - Pamilya/Family
One time
For 2 months

What we'll do together

  • Learn with artists, cultural workers, each other

  • Space to navigate anger consciously and collectively

  • Practice more compassion for self and others

  • Gather in community for 7 sessions to learn with 3 guest contributors, 1 death doula, 1 cultural worker/somatic practitioner

  • Explore rage through lectures, group discussions, movement, play, and supplementary readings

  • Chit chat in our private group chat

  • Learn how anger shows up/is released/tended to in different bodies

  • Make art to better understand/get clear on our own anger

Course Structure

All sessions will be recorded and made available via a private link to all participants.

Time: 4-6 pm PST / 7-9 pm EST | Place: Zoom (to be provided)

S1. Opening Session

February 18, 2025

Introduction to course and each other
Guidelines and Protocol
Somatic integration/offering


S2. Guest: Risa Puno

February 25, 2025

Risa Puno is an interactive artist who takes play seriously. She packages complex social topics into disarmingly fun experiences to help people connect more openly and easily. Her work often involves game-like elements that give people the framework and permission to push their limits within a safe space, while allowing them the freedom to tap into genuine emotions.

Puno’s work is grounded in a pre-colonial Philippine ideology called ‘kapwa’ that means “shared identity” or “shared humanity”; it is the idea that we navigate through spaces with a community rather than alone. Her goal is to help bridge personal and collective experiences, inviting people to reimagine our social structures and how we engage with one another.

Puno was selected by Creative Time as their inaugural Open Call winner in 2019 and her resulting project, “The Privilege of Escape,” won Most Innovative Immersive Experience in the 2019 Immersion Awards.

S3. Guest:
Resham Mantri

March 20, 2025:

Resham Mantri is a queer, first generation Indian-American interdisciplinary artist, writer, death worker, healer, and single co-parent seeking liberation and pleasure through practicing vulnerability, exploring lineage, dismantling socialized notions of self, and deathwork. They explore these ideas across mediums including installations, essays, photos, Instagram, interviews, vintage Indian textiles, and hosting death cafes.

She has completed an end-of-life training course with Going with Grace. They hold a law degree and worked for many years as a lawyer in New York City for Legal Aid Society in Brooklyn Family Court. They hold a degree in computer science and worked for several years at IBM.

All of Resham’s offerings are informed by each other as well as the personal and professional experiences she has lived. The work also comes from the well of their own personal process of self-realization and liberation.

S4. Rafi Bunal
& Trishia Frulla

Mar 25, 2025

Rafi Bunal is a queer Bisayan cultural worker, movement artist, bodyworker, language educator, and friend.

Through Baba Bisaya Language Immersions, they co-create learning environments where language becomes a bridge to identity, belonging, and communal relationships with Bisayan islander cultures. Their work has supported Ulirat Gatherings, Amado Khaya Initiative, Larry Itliong Resource Center, as well as “Langit, Lupa” an experimental documentary that weaves firsthand accounts of the Escalante Massacre (1985) on their home island of Buglas (commonly known as Negros).

Rafi’s practice is deeply informed by their own experiences of queer community and migration. These themes guide their current work as an oral histories Fellow, documenting the lived experiences of migrant farmworker elders in Yokuts territories of Tulare county, California. While in this fellowship, Rafi offers bodywork sessions to elders in accessible care and somatic relief through the guidance of Kalami Spirit Arts.

Committed to cultivating spaces of connection, Rafi hopes to deepen their understanding with/in transformative justice, spiritual-ecological development, and reimagining possibilities for collective healing.

Trishia Frulla is an Pilipinx death worker, multidisciplinary artist, and designer. She centers her community through craft, death work, and design, while her personal art practice is a fiber-embodied exploration of her relationship to trauma and healing.

Currently, Trishia is focused on building Eskuela HypoFutures—a space for collective learning at the intersections of death and design, where she dreams of weaving together more spaces for folks to share and support each other through solidarity economies.

Trishia believes that in order to heal, we must be able to tend to the hard things as lovingly as the easeful ones, and she approaches and supports these lessons with curiosity and compassion.

What could it be like if we took seriously the depths of our feelings and the wisdom of our bodies? What could we learn if we really listened to ourselves?

Trishia was an inaugural member of, Economics 4 Emancipation, and Collective.BAE’s Economics. Art. Transformation cohort, and can be found designing Queer futures in collaboration with startups and organizations in sustainability and healing, aviation, and sport. | @hypofutures

S5. Guest:
Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez

Apr 8, 2025

Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez is an educator, community organizer, author, farmer and mother. She is best known for her role as a professor emeritus and former chair of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis and founding director Bulosan Center for Filipinx Studies. A prolific scholar, Rodriguez has published several academic books and other publications. A dynamic speaker, she has addressed a wide array of audiences globally at prestigious universities as well as grassroots organizations. A committed community organizer, Rodriguez has founded or led various organizations in the Filipino and Asian American community, including the Amado Khaya Initiative (AKI), named after her late son who passed at the age of 22 while serving indigenous communities in the Philippines.

In a bold move, Rodriguez retired early from the professoriate in 2023 to become a farmer. AKI as well as Remagination Farm, where Rodriguez along with her husband, Joshua Vang, and younger son, “Zee,” work as land stewards have become her new “classrooms” where, as a “people’s professor,” she offers deeply transformative learning experiences informed by social and ecological justice movements; indigenous and land-based knowledge; the arts; radical love and healing. Rodriguez is currently writing several books on her experiences. | @amadokhaya | @remaginationfarm

S6. Closing Session / Creative Share

April 29, 2025

Recap and Gratitudes
Creative Share (optional)
Somatic integration/offering


+ 1 Tending Our Fires:
Small Group Session

Sign ups will open for this when the course begins

Each Anger as Medicine participant is welcome to 1 small group session. Although they will be more open format than our large group, we will talk about alchemizing our anger, with the intention to allow for more intimate conversation and connection with one another, with a maximum of 4 people per session.

Office Hours

Scheduled Office Hours for Anger as Medicine:
March 4, 2025 and April 1, 2025 from 2pm-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST on Zoom

Anger as Medicine - Kasama/Comrade
One time
For 2 months

Anger as Medicine - Kaibigan/Friend
One time
For 2 months

Anger as Medicine - Pamilya/Family
One time
For 2 months

What You'll Get

  • Private course page with exclusive access to session recordings and discussions

  • 3-4 guest contributor sessions led by radical artists and teachers

  • Somatic practices to integrate and regulate our systems

  • Small group session & private group chat for more intimate conversation

  • A community of folks who are curious like you

  • Creative exercises to explore our anger

Support Our Work

Support Our Work ⚘

One time
For 2 months

For those that wish to support our offerings, but do not want to be a participant at this time.

Ninong/Sponsor Subscription
Every month

Get access to our growing collection of writing, course materials & notes (some of our videos are private for safety/protection).


or visit our FAQ