2023 02: We Almost Made it Through February

Happy February!

It’s the time of the year we can slowly begin waking up our bodies. It’s a time where we can cleanse ourselves from all the movement that the end and beginning of the year bring, and honor our his/her stories of those that were displaced and forced to work this land. …It’s also the time of year I start questioning my life choices of moving to a place with seasons and screaming, “WHY ISN’T WINTER OVER YET I’M SO COLD.”

I’ve spent the majority of my beginning of the year in the in between. I’ve been driving in and out of town, supporting a family through the end of a relationship in a home hours away from where I live. Not going to lie, this ongoing experience has really challenged me. It’s forced me to think about who is important to me, where my own traumas live in relation to theirs, what boundaries need to be strict and where they can be soft, and how I want to prioritize myself while supporting others through death.

Wait, did you just say Death?!

Yes, yes, I did! because life changes are death. Any changes, for that matter, are all forms of death. If we can look at starting over, changing our minds, or even reimagining our lives as forms of death, maybe we can make space to see ourselves more lovingly through our grief and give our past selves a little bit of grace for all the work they did to get us here. They say “no one speaks ill of the dead” — why would you do that to your past self?


I’m offering an intimate virtual workshop called “D3ad@$s” beginning March 21, 2023. This will be a 6 week long pilot program, centering BIPOC/PGM grief and end of life planning. Email me for registration link.

A Love Letter

Thought we’d get through a February email without mentioning the one day a year love is “allowed” to be expressed didn’t you?

Thank you thank you for following me! I am working on securing a new client this year that will *fingers crossed* allow us to bring on a second, more regular designer to continue building HypoFutures’ design studio.

As a gift for you, I’ve posted a couple coloring pages for download via this link! Don’t worry, if love isn’t your thing, it might still be fun to color.

trishia frulla

rishia's work is a multi-disciplinary in-process diary of their relationship to trauma. Often working on multiple bodies of work at once, they echo the multiplicities of human behavior. At times, it’s through tactile and textural play through healing/body work and crochet sculpture. At others, it is fluid and subconscious through painting and mandala. In their death work, she channels memorials for past selves and spirits through ritual and art. Ultimately, the medium chosen is that which will most heighten the awareness of subject matters we tend to overlook.

Trishia has shown her work in New York City, Southern California and Canada, and is currently holding space for community to laugh and grieve, as she crochets into accessible and sustainable practices for the future.


2023 03: Something to Gardening


on ‘The Death of Me’